Friday, July 10, 2009

CIA Thinks only OSAMA can save america

he should of added "but no we would never fake a terrorist attack..."

these people throw it in your face daily yet no one cares...

only osama eh? u mean your black op killers or hell blackwater (Xe i think they are called now) couldnt pull that off? they killed enuf of US troops to give us a reason to stay and fuck have been caught doing it over and over and over again (if not them then mi6, yeah the britts do it too, hell where u think we got the idea) oh wait osama IS cIA.... if a nuke goes off, like this guy is just short of saying, blame the government, they did it, and no its not the whole government, its a faction of assholes we lovingly refer to as the new world order. we're all screwed ppl unless u get your heads outa ur ass real quick cause they will set off nukes, they will release crazy, triple crossbred never seen before flu strains (if not full blown weapons grade ones), they are stealing trillions of dollars in an attempt to fully collapse our economy and turn this once free nation into the next 3rd world slave pit right out of 1984, turn off the news and read, get out of your righty lefty outlook on the world cause its all a farce to give you a false sense of tribalism and choice! theres no left or right just freedom and tyranny, what side are you on?