Friday, February 8, 2008

Loose Change debunker

wow this guy is saying they are ignorant and he is learneded up on this lol and flight 93 was in VA LOL IDIOT ALERT

omg... this hurts my head

u on crack boy?

"pull it" was used by a forman overseeing the destruction of wtcb 6 after 911 like half an our later in that documentry "we're gettting ready to pull building 6" was the quote and if hes dont so much "learning" on this subject how come his facts are skewed more then faux news? and whats with your bangs? cut them or part your hair or something so u can stop flipping ur head like a bitch so you can see, who the fuck u think u are? that sheep dog from looney toons?
ffs ppl

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