Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Christans are assholes

christens have hit rock bottom with this whole "jesus' tomb found" shit, I coulda sworn they are sposed to love everyone and blah blah bullshit...

when i heard about this story i hit google of course and heres one of the first links i found and the title is the same as the link im not making this up...

Kikes Claim Jesus' Body Found

ok so they hate jews, gays, muslims, and pretty much anything that doesnt think like them...
ooh yeah, and they fuck little boys...

what happend to jesus preaching love and kindness to man? and in case you assholes forgot jesus was a jew...

i think this just proves that no one should believe their teaching cause apparently they dont. to sum it all up fuck any and all organized religion should just be straight out banned and anyone found worshiping should be burned at the stake... just read that forum, you'll agree even if you are religious.....

ok once more... FUCK RELIGION!

oh and as a PS here is some more stupid christian babble that is destroying our world and country, this next line come from the sig of a preacher on that site i linked before:

Vote Republican or God will make you eat your childern for betraying America, Christianity and Freedom.

maybe its time to wake up and see that your all the reason we are in a war we shouldnt be in, we are having our freedoms revoked to make money and just to show that the republicans think the same as these heathens they have been caught fucking little boys too...

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